Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cancer on my Mind success

I received a email from Angela Hoy, BookLocker, that Cancer on my Mind had been accepted by BookLocker to be published as a publishing on demand book by BookLocker. Yippie! Five years of work has finally paid off. I can't remember how many hours, days, and summers I spent writing many drafts of this book.

I met with my talented graphic artist, Jeremy Sosnick, and we discussed the specs and a re-design of the book cover.

I am very excited to get the book cover and manuscript into a paperback book form, but am learning that I am 80% of the way to accomplishing this task. Formatting the manuscript and finalizing the book cover to BookLocker specs is huge task to take on.

I have a total of 11 positive comments from various doctors from top name universities in the U.S. to put on the back cover and inside the book.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cancer on my Mind update

I received three more positive comments last week from Stanford University, John Hopkins University, and UCSF.

I will be submitting a synopsis for a Cancer on my Mind screenplay to film school all over the world to see if a film student is interested in making a short film.

I will meet with my book cover graphic artist, Jeremy Sosnick, and put the final touches on a book cover.

I will submit my manuscript to BookLocker, a great publishing on demand company, get approval for the self publishing, and send the complete book in for printing.

I joined Twitter and will be posting daily.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Yippie!! I celebrated 10 years of cancer-free living today at 8:30 a.m.

I celebrated 10 years of living cancer-free today at 8:30 am after being diagnosed with a grade two and three glioma astrocytoma brain tumor. The five year statistics gave me a 40% chance to live. Never say never. If you encounter a barrier or negative encouragement when trying to accomplish anything, ignore it, and push even harder. Always remember,"Positive thinking is better than drinking."

I want to thank all of my friends and family, the doctors and nurses at UCSF, and those who encouraged me to keep my head up and take life and cancer on one day at a time.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Things are looking good...

I had a meeting with a friend yesterday about creating a marketing/promotion plan for Cancer on my Mind. The meeting went well and I was happy to hear that he was very encouraged about writing a song and shooting a video, having a screenplay that is 905 completed, a eye-catching book cover and a courageous and emotional cancer survivor book. I am blessed to meet people who believe in me and my book and aren't afraid to go the extra mile to get the word out to people all over the world that if you are diagnosed with cancer that you can defeat it and live.

We will start up the Cancer on my Mind soon. I am so excited!