Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cancer on my Mind update

After changing all the names of the doctor's and hospitals in my final draft manuscript, I am happy to report that it was been received by BookLocker this morning. I still have to have Jeremy, my graphic artist, produce a final book cover draft after I receive a precise spine width from BookLocker. I don't know what the real time line is for a draft paperback copy, but I would guess 4-6 weeks.

An ending to the video will be shot in the next 1-2 weeks.

I will be shooting a 3-4 minute video to use as a press release and promote my book to TV and radio stations.

The whole process is coming along slowly, but surely.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Second Final Manuscript Submission is the Charm

With the help of a good friend of mine, I submitted the final manuscript draft of Cancer on my Mind. I was advised in order to avoid any future lawsuits, to change the doctor's and hospital names in the manuscript. I decided, "what the heck," why not read the book again and check for any spelling or grammar errors. I am glad that I read the book again, because I did find a few more spelling and grammar errors on the 16th read of Cancer on my Mind. I will receive a book cover spine width measurement to hand over to Jeremy, my amazing graphic artist (Jeremy Sosnick, Fine Art and Design,, email the final book cover draft to Angela/, and will receive a paperback copy of Cancer on my Mind in 4-6 weeks.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Mighty Click that Changed my World

Back in the summer of 2003, I wrote my first 50 page draft of an untitled book about surviving a grade two/three glioma astrocytoma brain tumor. I wrote on breaks at work and in my spare time writing: at a Los Altos Starbucks, nursing a cup of coffee and bringing my lunch in a plastic container and eating snacks; in my unheated rented room on Coral Court in Los Altos; in my excellent studio apartment in Los Altos across from the Los Altos Country Club; in my condo near SFO.

Seven years (and thousands of hours of writing)later, I clicked the send button with my mouse, at 9:20 a.m. on September 3 2010, and submitted my final draft manuscript to Angela at, to create a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback book entitled, Cancer on my Mind, for $13.95 per book.

I spent the last 5-6 months creating a book cover with a talented graphic artist/web designer, Jeremy Sosnick of Fine Art and Design ( After 60 drafts, countless emails, and employing his superior patience level on an unpredictable client like me, a colorful and creative book cover has been created.

I spent the last 1.5 years writing a song and filming a video with Jesse, a genius freelance producer/shooter/editor ( and good friend. We finished the song on September 3, at 10 p.m. Jesse will edit the video in the next few weeks and it will premier on YouTube when

I launch the book and screenplay based on the book, in 4-6 weeks. BookLocker will produce a copy of my book in 4-6 weeks.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't write and publish your own book about surviving a brain tumor that only gives you 40% odds of living 5 years.

I am living proof that you can write and publish your own book about surviving a brain tumor for 10 years, defy all odds by medical/statistical bean counters and doubters of how strange the human mind and body can be in times of distress and calmness.