Monday, October 18, 2010

The finish line was reached today...

For those of you who have been following my blog postings, talking to me in person at work or at social events, or knew me when I was diagnosed in 2000, I am happy to write that my publisher, BookLocker, informed me that the print galley for my book Cancer on my Mind, was approved TODAY, and I will be receiving the first copy of my book in 10-12 days.

The book promotion machine will be started up in the a few days. I am very excited!

Jesse, Christina, John, and I shot the last scene for the song and video to be posted on YouTube in November 2010. Thanks John for letting us use your car in the video.

After two tries, the third try was the charm to get the book cover approved by BookLocker today.

I want to thank Angela at BookLocker for accepting my book for publication and helping me finalize the manuscript and book cover for printing. You are awesome, Angela. You rock!

My advice to everyone is to dream big and have fun accomplishing something that you never thought you could accomplish. I survived a grade three glioma astrocytoma brain tumor for five years after reading that I had a 40% chance to survive. Fast forward another five years and you are talking about me, defying medical odds and living an unbelievable ten years after a death wish brain cancer diagnosis.

Never say never.