Friday, May 15, 2009

COMM Post--Approaching 100 Book Agent Query Letter Submissions

Slowly, but surely, I have been sending out a few book agent query letters, before and after work. I am happy to say that I have reached my elusive goal of sending out 100 book agent query letters. I have been using a free web page, Agent Query, to email book agents my query letter. After sending out the last batch, 80 to 100 book agent query letters, I received five positive responses.

Since I finished my final draft in January 2009, with the ego and writer support of a best friend of mine, I pondered who I would be and what would I do with the extra time. What would I be? In the last five months, I have spent my free time hiking, going to fun and exciting parties and creative social events, and laughing and being spontaneous. I accomplished what a lot of people would never think of starting, writing a book, and trying to find a book agent who would lead me to an enthusiastic and supportive book publisher.

I printed up 50 and 100 pages, wrote two cover letters, and mailed them off to two book agents in New York.

I am slowly finishing up my book proposal to send with my entire manuscript to another book agent in New York.

Just when I thought I hit a dry spot in my search for a book agent, I received one request for a book proposal and my entire manuscript, and the request renewed my faith to continue the pursuit of my goal.

Life is strange. I am a believer that taking baby steps to reach a goal might get you to the grand prize. Even if you don't reach your goal, at least you tried. I must constantly remind myself to enjoy and savor each step of the journey.

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