Sunday, October 11, 2009

COMM Post--Not Singing Like Freddie Mercury, But The Vocals Are Done!

I ran into the same mental brick wall recording the song vocals for my upcoming song and video, Cancer On My Mind. Practicing outside of the 3 foot by 5 foot padded closet, lit with an LED headlamp hanging from the ceiling, and a microphone stand and microphone, is not the same as standing in the closet by yourself.

Jesse patiently practiced the song lyrics with me, until I got so frustrated, that I was ready to call it a day, pack it up, and go home.

We figured out how to record "The Walter Way." I listened to Jesse say the lyric line from outside and repeated his line exactly, tone, timing, and emotion, and we recorded the last two verses in a short time.

Success! This completes six months of song writing, music writing, and recording of the vocals.

The next step is the obtaining the proper levels of the vocals and music, story boarding the video, shooting the video, and editing the video with the music and vocals.

Jesse is a master of Garageband and video editing with Final Cut Pro, so I will add in my opinion, but the bulk of the work will be his doing.

Expect a video that is: humorous; fast-paced; contains multiple edits per minute; Final Cut Pro editing options, like split screens, fades, Insert, Overwrite, Replace, Fit-to-fill, Superimpose, Swap Edit, Ripple, Roll, Slip, Slide, Extend, and Shorten, either in the Timeline or in a dedicated Trim window; and audio sweetening.

I will probably end up launching the video and web page after I get my book published or self published in the Spring of 2010.

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